Saturday, July 18, 2009

Digital Storytelling

1 comment:

  1. Toni,

    I loved this presentation! I enjoyed seeing the Digital Storytelling in action. We talked about it a lot during the SI and I haven’t done one before and this was a great execution of one. It was so enjoyable. I found that I related to a lot of what you said because of my library passion as well. One of my favorite lines was “supermodels in disguise” referring to the nuns. But even more than that I completely agree that Library Media Specialists should be referred to as “Superman” or “Wonder woman.” Most definitely! This briefly addresses the issue of the ever changing position of the librarian but the stagnate view of the position. We can keep changing this image as we take our roles very seriously and integrate technology in our libraries.
    But again, this is a great presentation. And I enjoyed the model of digital storytelling. Thanks, Toni!
